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Articles écrits par David Allsopp (OCamlLabs)

Date: 2021-08-04
Catégorie: Tooling
Tags: opam

Feedback on this post is welcomed on Discuss! We are happy to announce the release of opam 2.1.0. Many new features made it in (see the pre-release changelogs or release notes for the details), but here are a few highlights. What's new in opam 2.1? Integration of system dependencies (formerly the op... (Lire plus)

Date: 2021-06-23
Catégorie: Tooling
Tags: opam

Feedback on this post is welcomed on Discuss! The opam team has great pleasure in announcing opam 2.1.0~rc2! The focus since beta4 has been preparing for a world with more than one released version of opam (i.e. 2.0.x and 2.1.x). The release candidate extends CLI versioning further and, under the ho... (Lire plus)

Date: 2021-01-13
Catégorie: Tooling
Tags: opam

Feedback on this post is welcomed on Discuss! On behalf of the opam team, it gives me great pleasure to announce the third beta release of opam 2.1. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss beta3 - we had an issue with a configure script that caused beta2 to report as beta3 in some instances, so we skipped ... (Lire plus)